Sports media is a messy business you are the most criticized critic. People love to hate you but hate to love you unless you are those few far and between that are cherished by the masses. People want to hear your opinion but if it is different than theirs, they will talk about you on social media as if you said something about them personally. There is no layoff, no matter what level you are covering. Many would agree the lower the level the more difficult. You have to deal with parents and coaches, and trust and believe they will confront you with no type of professionalism, they will treat you as if you are just a random person on the street. Once you attach your name to this profession people expect you to be on your game. Fans don’t care about what is going on in your personal life they want to know the latest. But this field is not all bad of course not. Are we all not in this field for a reason? The fans? we love them. The players? We love them. Just having the opportunity to travel no matter if it is down the street or across the country, it is a pleasure to see different athletes perform in front of anywhere from 10 people to 10,000 people. It is always special when you get the chance to see athletes grow, you get to witness the work that they put in during the offseason. Sports is our child. At times we can be either objective or subjective, but at the end of the day, we love it. We might be hard on it at times, but that does not change the fact that we love it we would of not choose the life to have to speak on it, and think about it 24/7 if we felt any other way.