Media and Race have created some of the best and worst creations ever, for the most part and many would agree probably the worst. CNN did a segment about the direct relationship between the media and race( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHiL2uYjib8). This segment took place not long after Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman. They had a few experts give their input on how the media handled it and how race played a part in it. They touch on how sometimes race is only used for ratings. Don Lemon a CNN correspondent explained that it is not only extremely hard to talk about race in the media, but it is even tougher when you are African American and have to talk about race in the media because of the possible backlash from all different groups of people.
This media artifact supports the majority of my research on how easily media is twisted when race is involved. The way the story comes in can be the same way that it is told, but it can be received different for many reasons, but the response is what makes bigger headlines for the reason that the reaction is more than likely very dramatic. Basically, a case of adding fuel to the fire. The segment turns to an author where he talks about how too many journalists treat the people who may attack them verbally about something they said or wrote they treat them almost as future criminals, when in reality that is the furthest things from the truth.
There was a Ted Talk segment where social media and race were talked about(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y45X7Y6okKs). This is relevant because social media is the biggest media platform that is out today. Most people get their news from the different social media platforms. Race takes a play into this because anyone is allowed to have a voice on social media as it talks about in the Ted Talk it only takes one bad apple to get enough retweets on twitter or shares on Facebook to put out a connotation that can have a negative racial impact. This supports the research I found about how easily a narrative can be shifted, and this takes place on social media multiple times a day.