The Barbershop has been the temple, and the mecca of the deepest sports conversations,and the best history lessons. Many have met their closest friends, while some have even met family members they never knew they had. These days going to the Barbershop you have better sports debates than any prime time ESPN shows. Don't get a Jordan vs Lebron debate started it becomes WW3. You have the old heads on one side who haven't seen every Jordan game, then over to another side of the debate are the young heads more than not are rooting for Lebron just to see that one old head gets upset. It really hits the fan if you let the football talk kick off. It starts with who thinks they have the best team, then it goes into this player in this decade is better than this one discussion, then somehow, someway you get that guy who tries to explain to everyone how good he was back in the day, that if it wasn't for an injury he would have made it all the way to the Hall of Fame. Saturday is considered the holy day in the barber shop. As the pride started to dwindle down, and the debates began to slowly quiet down and fadeaway someone would grab the remote and turn to college football. The place would turn into the calmest insane asylum you could ever imagine. The place begins to ring with what the.. and the famous Ooooooooo, followed by did you see that ? When you wanted to know who is who, and the updated sports news,there was no need to turn on ESPN when the weekend hits, just make your way down to the barber shop for all the latest and greatest. Wives and girlfriends across the country always wonder why their men are gone for so long when they say they are going to get a haircut, it is because we are in the ultimate man cave. There is no place like the barbershop and never will be.